Object Hierarchy

Pomcorn includes next object hierarchy for Page Object Model (POM) page creation:

  WebView <|-- Component
  WebView <|-- Page
  Component <|-- ListComponent
  Component .. Locator
  Page .. Component

  class WebView{
      -webdriver: Webdriver
  class Page{
  class Component{
      -page: Page
      -base_locator: Locator
      + wait_until_visible()
  class ListComponent{
      -item_locator: Locator
  class Locator{
    -query: String

WebView class

A common object that has utils to work with a webdriver, e.g. checking and locating elements, moving to other pages.

Page class

A top level object, basically the web page itself. Responsible for keeping elements and components. Descendant of WebView.

Component classes

Component is a group of elements that can be found on different pages (e.g. a list with search bar). Descendant of WebView. It has implemented logic of waiting until it becomes visible/invisible. During initialization, it waits for the base locator (see Locators), which will be used to search for this component in its waiting methods. Also, the base locator will be used to create the body attribute, which will represent the component body to interact with it.

ListComponent - It’s a class, descendant of Component, with implemented methods for work with list-like components: all, count and get_item_by_text.

PomcornElement class

A smallest part of page(component). It can be a button, link, or just some text. In general, you can imagine that this is an html tag.


The class is rarely initiated in its pure form, so we added descriptors for easy definition of element-attributes (see descriptors), and within Page and Component classes, an element can be defined using the self.init_element method.